1.  Some local authorities have been very effective at this - in Greenwich, people who registered were entered in a prize draw.

2.  This is particularly effective at cocktail parties.

3.  The laser systems and currently less expensive,but the radar systems are more effective at detecting dirty vehicles and operating in adverse weather conditions.

4.  This methof was effective at producing complete carbohydrate hydrolysis within two hours and was validated in preliminary experiments against an enzymatic method.

5.  Work in liver endothelial cells suggests that matrix prepared from human amnion is more effective at maintaining physiological phenotype than EHS.

6.  Incorporation The first requirement for an exclusion clause to be effective at common law is that the clause must be incorporated into the contract.

7.  Many vets believe that vaccines would not be as effective at controling rabies as our present quarantine laws.

8.  And analysts say that by aligning with AOL, Warner Music could be more effective at selling its back catalog in the form of digital music files.

9.  And they can be effective at helping citizens organize.

10.  And when rumors of layoffs or other bad news are rampant, the office grapevine is very effective at uncovering the facts.

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